“Together, we will make Central New York’s voice ring through the halls of Albany!”
Lowering Cost of Living & Growing Economic Opportunity:
Cut tax rates reducing taxes on residents and end full-value assessments to bring equity with neighboring towns
Invested in Main Street grants that have brought new life to blighted properties across the town and have led to increased investment in the local economy
Restoring Public Safety & Defending our Neighborhoods’ Quality of Life:
Successfully stood up to prevent NYC Mayor Eric Adams’ from busing migrants Upstate and into Central New York to a Salina Hotel, when Adams backtracked on the commitment of NYC to be a “Sanctuary City”, a commitment that Onondaga & Oswego Counties have not signed up to make.
Spoke out against Bail Reform after a string of break-ins and robberies at various Salina businesses
Put a stop to the proliferation of “smoke shops” where any number of illicit activities were happening, catered to impressionable young people.
Defending CNY from State Overreach & Far Left Extremism:
Worked hard to bring attention to Kathy Hochul and her allies’ latest power grabs to cement their control of our state and weaken their opposition through gerrymandering, consolidation of local elections, and other changes to how we run our elections in NYS
Rallied community leaders from Onondaga & Oswego counties to demand an apology from Senator Mannion for accusing Central New Yorkers with concerns about the migrant crisis “ignorant”
Other Policy Accomplishments:
Salina is the only Town in Onondaga County to have created a Veteran’s Outreach Coordinator (at no increased cost to the taxpayers) to ensure Central New Yorkers who dedicated themselves to our country and our community are aware of & able to take advantage of various Veterans resources.